Today, with the transition from Robert to Wayne and Stacy running as smooth as can be. We now look to the future. How can we grow our business? How can we maintain the level of service and integrity that Bob has instilled in us? We work every day to KEEP things running smoothly and to KEEP the high standards in service and integrity...We expect a lot from ourselves & our employees. Just as our customer's expect a lot from us. We're here to work together and strive to meet and exceed our customer's expectations to build a profitabable and growing business.
“Wiping out ants 100 percent is impossible, but controlling them is possible.”
Bob Koide, Pres., Environ Control
“Our advice to other condos (during tough economic times): postpone painting, remodeling, even plumbing, but keep Sentricon.”
Carole Paulsen, president of her condo association, about Sentricon’s dependability.
“We emphasize the Golden Rule—treating people with honesty and dignity. It’s not about how we treat the problem, it’s about how we treat people.”
Bob Koide, accepting the BBB award